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Safety edges
Safety edges are sensors that protect operators from coming between shearing and pinching edges. If the safety edge encounters an obstruction, e.g. if a hand gets in the way of a closing door, it stops automatic movement.
Depending on the control principle, we supply safety edges as normally open or normally closed chains.
You can cut your safety edges to size yourself for fast, cheap installation.
Product information
- When our SL/NO (NO = normally open) safety edges are actuated, a contact closes, triggering a short circuit. A signal transmitted to the evaluation unit immediately stops automatic movements to protect people and property.
- Our SL/NC (NC = normally closed) safety edges feature a chain of linked NC contacts integrated in a rubber profile. When the safety edge is actuated, an existing contact is broken.
- You can cut your safety edges to size yourself for fast, cheap installation.
Your benefits
Normally closed and normally open principle available